Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Adik nak Jadi Baik

“Ibu, adik sedih.” Memang wajah anak kecil itu kelihatan mendung, sarat dengan sebuah kesedihan barangkali. Matanya mencari sepasang mata bening ibunya. Perlahan-perlahan ibu merapat merangkul bahu si kecil berusia 10 tahun. Si ibu memang sudah dapat merasa sarat mendung itu, Cuma ia menunggu masa yang sesuai agar si anak sendiri yang meluahkan,

“Sedih kenapa sayang? Cuba ceritakan pada ibu.”

 “Adik sedih tengok kanak-kanak di Palestin yang mati kena tembak. Adik bayangkan kalau adik di sana bagaimana, adik bayangkan kalau yang kena tembak itu adalah Iman, Ihsan atau Islam, kawan-kawan sepermainan adik.” Dunia tanpa sempadan, maklumat dihujung jari tanpa mengira usia pasti sampai sama ada secara terus atau pun daripada sumber ke dua. Si ibu  mengerti, kanak-kanak seawal usia begini jika  kesedihannya tidak diubat, murung bakal mengganti dan jika dibiar si kecil membawanya ke alam dewasa pula.

“Jadi, apa kita boleh lakukan untuk saudara-saudara kita di sana?” Ibu membelai helaian nipis rambut si anak, tersentuh naluri keibuan melihat anak sekecil ini sudah cuba memahami situasi saudara seislam di Palestin sedang begitu ramai manusia dewasa lain yang melupakan  atau tidak peduli.

“Adik tak dapat ke sana, hanya doa yang adik mampu. Ya Allah, selamatkan saudara kami di Gaza, berilah kesabaran dan kekuatan serta syurgaMu buat mereka. Amin.”

 “Amin thumma amin. MashaAllah bijaknya anak ibu. Berdoalah sayang, itu kan senjata paling ampuh, terus secara langsung kepada Allah pemilik cakerawala. Tambahan pula doa daripada adik yang tidak banyak dosa. Moga Allah makbulkan. “.” Senyum si ibu memekar, ya Allah peliharalah anak kecil ini daripada tipu daya dunia.

“Ibu, cukupkah dengan doa?” Si kecil bertanya lagi, memang begitulah di usia begini, soalan demi soalan memerlukan jawaban agar dia tidak berhenti berfikir dan mentafsir.

“Jika kita mampu, ada rezeki dan nikmat berlebihan, hulurkan juga dengan bantuan kewangan dan lain-lain disamping kita jangan membantu menyalurkan wang kepada musuh saudara kita dengan membeli produk mereka yang ada dipasaran. “

“Lagi ibu?”

“Kita juga sebagai Muslim perlu memperbaiki diri, mengamalkan Islam secara keseluruhannya. Jangan kita hanya menjerit membenci Zionist tapi dalam masa yang sama cara kita hidup sama seperti mereka. Memang ia bukan usaha sehari dua untuk berubah, tetapi kita perlu mulakan. Betul tak?” Si kecil mengangguk laju sambil tersenyum puas, terasa seperti dahaga yang ditaggung selama ini hilang begitu sahaja.

“Adik nak jadi baik, tak nak ikut perangai Zionist.” Azam si kecil kedengaran begitu teguh. Azam itu perlu dibaja selalu, perlu dijaga agar ia terus mekar dan akhirnya benar-benar menjadi.

“Semoga Allah merahmatimu anakku.” Mereka berpelukan, sayang yang mengalir dalam urat dan darah kerana Allah, daripada Allah ia datang, kepada Allah ia perlu dikembalikan,

Saturday, November 17, 2012

What's behind the screen?


We met people for a reason. They either a blessing or a lesson, and for both we ought to thank Allah, alhamdulillah :)

Yes I know, Palestinian in Gaza is under attack again. I know, Syrian is also in the same situation and the Rohingya issue is not settle yet. These are the cases that we know, how about an isolated cases? There's a lot more I guess such as in Philippines. Here and there around the globe, Muslim is being oppressed and yet they still be called as terrorist. Such an ironic situation, where someone that being oppressed is called as a terrorist and the culprit is called a hero. What a world we are living now? Allahu Akbar.

And I am here behind the screen, gaining weight, getting heavier and hungrier, waiting for the day my baby will pop out to this beautiful creation of God but yet ugly because of human world. The counting has started, Subhanallah, time flies really fast, it just like yesterday when we got the news on the presence of this little tiny creature in my belly, like just yesterday we have been through a rough situation at the beginning and things become better and better, then when we realized it is almost at the end of the year 2012! hey they said world will end in 2012, heh!

Alhamdulillah, with Allah's helps through His merciful, sometimes in some situations when we thought we can't go through it, it is very difficult and complicated for us, but then taraaaa we are still alive, the problem has been solved, we went through the situation, we passed it, yes we did it! In addition, we have got a good lessons and experience! Masha Allah, something that bitter at the beginning become something that benefit us at the end, we can even smile and laugh when we recall about it. Yes, worry ends when faith begins. Remember, Allah will never test us beyond our limit, sometimes He pushes us to our limit because He has greater faith in us then we have in ourselves. He knows what's best for us after all, because He is our creator :)

So, I will keep positive In shaa Allah, even I know I will go through a hard situation again the time I will deliver this precious baby, but Allah will never gives what's beyond my ability, so whatever I feel and experience on that day, I can endure it, In Shaa Allah. It is painful, every women feel painful so why do I have spice it up with another worries? Allah is watching me, ready to forgive my sins on every inch of pains until I have become pure just like my baby when he comes out, Alhamdulillah. So I will put my trust on Him and let the rest happen naturally as His wills.

Oh wow, we have been through the global issue and now to my personal issue, lol. Please keep me in your prayer, whoever that happened to read this post. May Allah bless you and your family, me and my family as well. :)

Friday, November 16, 2012

Palestine keep fighting!


When we are busy wishing happy Muharram and have a wishlist for this year 1434H, our brothers and sisters in Palestine were being attacked by Zionist. Their wish is just to get Syahid, death for Allah's sake. Palestine, it's a country without army, without navy, without airforces and it is under attack. Some call this war but I call it genocide. Please, please, please pray for our brothers and sisters in Palestine.  :'(

Qunut Nazilah

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Marriage: Tips for Brothers


        When a girl decided to get married to a man, she is actually decided to live the rest of her life with someone who's at the beginning is a totally stranger and then he became everything to her, even a key to Jannah because he is someone that took her parents role to take care, protect and love her the way he ought. Through marriage, two strangers sharing their live under one roof, sharing their feeling and go through all moment together. Marriage teaches them what love really is, commitment and responsibility as well as leadership. Well, at least this is what I thought about marriage. It such a miracle blessing from Allah especially when both husband and wife, understand and play their role passionately and patiently. Marriage should be a partnership of sorts, no matter what the religion. Two people who join together should learn to live with each other, each giving to each other, instead of always taking. As I promised in my previous post (Marriage: Tips for Sisters) , here are the tips for brothers to be a good husband inshaallah :)

1. Begin with a good greeting: When you return from work or travel, greet her. Start with ''As Salaamu Alaikum''. Smile to her. Give her a kiss. Tell her you love her, she will never forget this. There is always time for telling bad news.Have a sense of humor. Joke around. Play games with her.

2. Listen to her: Give her your attention when she speaks.

3. Talk with her: Talk with her about her feelings and your good memories.Spend time talking together. Postpone telling bad news to her until a suitable time. Look for the most suitable way to convey bad news.

4. Be Cheerful: Be happy, cheerful, friendly and gentle when you meet your wife.

5. Help her: Doing housework is not easy. You have a share of the housework too. Especially if she is sick or tired, don't wait untill she asks you to help.

6. Be Honest: Avoid telling her lies. If you're not truthful with her, she will never trust you. Always tell her the truth.

7. Consult her: Let her feel her opinion is important to you. Change your decision if she has a better opinion.

8. Thank her: Thank her for all the nice things she does, this will give her self-confidence.

9. Bring her a gift: It should not be an expensive gift, but is should be something she likes.

10. Listen to her Halal Demands: Let her improve you as a person. Encourage her to enjoin people to righteousness and discourage people from sinning. Encourage her to meet with her good friends and relatives. Take her out for halal entertainment. Entertain her yourself in halal ways!

11. Be nice to her in bed: Adhere to Islamic etiquitte of marriage and sex. Have a healthy intimate life with her and encourage and praise her during that. Incorporate halal means to improve your love life and her satisfaction.

12. Make Dua: Ask Allah to help you achieve and maintain excellent relations with your wife.

13. Help her in serving Allah. Wake her up in the last third of the night to pray ''Qiyam-al-Layl''. Teach her what you know of the Quran, Hadith, Tafseer and Dhikr.

14. Take her to Hajj and Umrah whenever you afford to do so.

15. Take her to visit her family frequently but especially at some occasions.

16. Be generous. Give her enough money. Never wait until she asks for that.

17. Trust her, love her, understand her.

18. Understand her fair needs and necessities and try his best to fulfill them.

19. Always share with her (some joke, special moments of your Business/Job/any profession, any emergency news, family matters, own habits).

20. Arrange some parties/sittings with your best friends' families in order to strong your family relation, expand her vision, and in this way she also able to support you in your outside matter.

21. Never blame your wife for the bad cooking of the food. If you like the food, eat and thank her. If you don't like the food, say nothing.

21. Don't insult her. If you've hurt her feelings, say ''I'm sorry'' and try to please her.

22. Don't describe other men to her. Don't compare other women with her.

23. Avoiding excess jealousy. Don't prevent her from answering the phone. Give her space so she wont feel suffocated.

24. Avoid shaming her such as insulting her.

25. Avoid returning at an unexpected time or at night, she may start to get suspicious.

26. Never blame her without any strong evidence.

27. Never break her trust not even in joke.

Yes, yes I know the list is longer then the tips for sisters, isn't it? Well, never expect him to do all of these in one night, it may takes time but inshallah if a husband and wife always think of giving the best and not expected so much, things will go fine. We are no perfect but we can't stop trying. We will get better when we help each other to become better, inshaallah. Hope these will benefits you and me. Have a good day :)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Marriage: Tips for sisters


Yes, today is 10th November 2012, 10.11.2012, ok what a cute date isn't it? Today is also a last Saturday for year 1433H (Islamic calendar), today is the starting day of school holidays in Malaysia and today (again?) well, a lot of man and woman is getting married (Oh, including my friends and my cousin!) and you know what is so significant today? Today, my lovely husband has to work, OK. That's the end of the story because I couldn't attend any weddings alone in my condition now. Oh my Lord, please forgive me I know it is compulsory for me to fulfill an invitation of my Muslim fellow, but you know better about my condition and to all my friends, please do not feel upset, yes I know it is your BIG day and what does it mean when I am not there, right? (LOL!)

Ok, to start off, we should know that in our beautiful religion, Islam, marriage is a sacred and blessed contract between a man and a woman. It is not about a physical attraction alone because through marriage we vow to each other to obey Allah with our own role to play in making a marriage successful in dunya and akhirah. Marriage teach us about responsibility and commitment. So here, I got some tips for sisters out there that will get married soon, inshaallah.

1. Be the best wife you can be. Being a good Muslim wife is in many ways similar to being a good wife in other religions. Sure it has its own special features and requirements, just like any other religion. However, there are common basic methods and guidelines for being a good wife in general. Follow them.

2. Pray regularly. Always ask Allah for forgiveness and blessings on your marriage.

3. Understand and respect your husband's rights. Study authentic haadith and make sure that you understand your obligations as a wife as well as understand your rights. In Islam, a good wife is expected to be honest, sincere and cognizant of her husband's needs. At the same time her husband must respect her, fulfill her needs and even help her in household chores.

4. Be secure in yourself. Putting yourself down in front of him is another way of insulting his taste in women. If he is with you, it's because he wants to be. He will find you sexy even if you don't feel like it. Remember that attitude and willingness are large parts of being sexy. Poor self-esteem and a ''void'' in your life is terrible for marriage. Make sure you still have a fun and interesting life.

5. Express, don't accuse. Except in the rare event that your husband happens to be psychic, don't expect mind-reading powers. If you want something, ask. If something is wrong, say so. Don't drop hints or figure he'll ''come around''. Communicate calmly, clearly and directly. Relationships work best when each partner calmly express their current emotion without harping on what he has done. Frequently, a ''I feel attacked'' or ''I feel sad'' is all it takes for him to step back and ask, ''Why?'' Then simply say, ''When you slammed the door, I felt ignored.'' Let ''I feel'' be your guide.

6. Don't expect the moon. He needs to keep trying, you need to keep trying, but neither of you is perfect. Unmet expectations tend to frustrate everyone. However, if you both keep working on your marriage, you will always be covered, even when one of you comes up a little short. If your expectations are truly too high or unrealistic, then set standards that are obtainable. For example, it is unfair to expect to be lavished with possessions and have the love of your life home for every meal. Should you want more together time, be prepared to have that desire fulfilled at some expense.

7. Pick your battles. Nagging and nitpicking can destroy a relationship. As long as the dishes are clean and unbroken, for instance, don't nag about how to load the dishwasher ''the right way''. Let him do things his own way. Don't sweat the small stuff. Focus on what is important.

8. Accept him. Only by accepting him as he is, do you have such deep respect and gratitude for him that you would never want him to change in any way for you. He has so much to offer you if only you give him the space to be himself. He is a growing individual, just like you are. Help him grow in the direction that he chooses, and give him the chance to help you.

9. Dress pleasantly/attractively.If you are a home-maker,don't stay in your sleeping suit all day.Behave like a female, i.e. all the tenderness of a female.

10. Race to the door when he comes home, as if you were waiting for him. Smile, hug and kiss him :)

11. Stay with him during hard time. He will need his wife to listen to him, comfort him and give him the strength. Don't be selfish.

12. It is recommended not to criticize your husband, not in his presence, not in his absence, not when you're in front of people, and not when you're alone together. Be supportive, encouraging, and compliment him as much as you can. This doesn't mean you shouldn't voice your concerns, but there's a difference between expressing your needs and criticizing his ability to meet them.

13. Focus more on fulfilling your obligations, not demanding your rights.


Don't ever accept abuse (physical or otherwise). Islam requires a good wife to be loving and obeying to her full extent of ability, but it also obliges a man to respect his wife, and treat her in a civilized and tender manner. Understand that this is an obligation your husband must fulfill. Being a good wife in Islam does not mean you have to suffer in silence if your husband is physically, verbally or in any other way abusive. So you should learn how to recognize a manipulative or controlling relationship. Talk things out or see a counselor. If you're forced to do things, if he hits you at all, if he tries to control who you see or demeans you, it's definitely not a good relationship. A real man gets what he wants without forcing. Fuhh, ok I hope these tips will benefits you and me inshaallah. Wait, how about tips for brother? Well, will be coming soon,, inshaallah . Have a bless weddings and happy marriage! :)

P/S: Oh you may not know, but I change my blog header, and that's what motivate me to post something, Oh myself! :)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Aku pun manusia



Semenjak semalam perasaan nak menulis membuak-buak secara tiba-tiba entah apa yang merasuk kalbu, tiba-tiba nak menulis perihal manusia (aku pun manusia ok). Hm mungkin bawaan budak kot yang mendesak naluri nak menulis ni, almaklumlah dah masuk 7 bulan dan lagi seminggu 8 bulan (eh, tetibe kan?). Whatever, hm sepanjang hidup selama berpuluh-puluh tahun dan semenjak Allah kurniakan kepandaian untuk menilai dan mentafsir sekeliling, aku dapati kebanyakan orang, mereka begitu 'curious' untuk tahu dan ambil tahu mengenai masalah orang. Curious dalam bahasa melayunya ingin tahu, perasaan dan naluri biasa yang semua manusia ada sebagai pelengkap kebijaksaan mereka untuk belajar dan memanfaatkan apa yang dibelajar. Tapi 'curious' yang satu ni lain sikit. Dia bukan nak belajar atau memanfaatkan apa yang dibelajar, cuma ingin tahu, ya sekadar memenuhi naluri ingin tahu atau mungkin mengisi masa lapangnya? Apa pun, motifnya hanya ingin tahu, contoh situasi:

Aminah: Bedah, kau hari-hari datang kerja dengan apa ye?
Bedah: Aku jalan kaki, tapi tak ada lah sampai hari-hari, ada hari tertentu sahaja.
Aminah: Oh, ok..

Ok, very typical name kan, Aminah dan Bedah. Is ok, as long as we have the character here. Si Aminah ingin tahu masalah Bedah yang selalu bila sampai pejabat sahaja kelihatan seperti baru lepas bersenam dan dengan rakus minum air laju-laju. Bila dah berlaku perbualan dia atas yang berhenti di situ, banyak yang bermain dalam kepala Aminah. Kenapa jalan kaki? Suami dia mana? Isk, tak patut la suami dia tu. Dah macam-macam andaian yang 99.9% adalah buruk, baru Aminah tanya lagi.

Aminah: Suami kau tak hantarkan?
Bedah: Suami aku kerja shift, tak menentu waktunya, sebab itu lah aku cakap kadang-kadang saja aku jalan kaki. 
Aminah: Oh, kenapa suami kau tak belikan kau motosikal atau kereta untuk kau datang kerja? Kesian aku tengok kau berpeluh-peluh sampai pejabat, isk tak patut la. 

Tanpa cuba memahami situasi Bedah, Aminah sesedap mulut melemparkan kata hatinya. Itulah dia komen yang bakal memberi kesan kepada rumahtangga orang lain. Tahu kenapa? Si Bedah akan mula terfikir, betul juga kata-kata Aminah tu dan mula berprasangka terhadap suaminya (syaitan dah mula cucuk!!). Sedangkan dia tahu, dia dan suaminya sudah sepakat, dengan keadaan dan situasi mereka sekarang, itu adalah jalan yang terbaik yang dapat mereka fikirkan bersama. Rumahtangga kan saling membantu, saling menguatkan, susah dan senag bersama! Berbalik kepada Aminah, perasaan prasangkanya tidak hilang malah canang pula pada orang lain tentang perihal suami Bedah yang kononnya tidak perihatin. Alangkah damainya dunia kalau Aminah jawab begini:

Aminah: Oh suami kau kerja shift, kalau macam tu, mulai esok aku boleh tolong jemput kau ke pejabat, lagi pun dekat saja rumah kau dari sini.

atau pun begini pun jadilah kan:

Aminah: Oh macam tu ke. Hebat kau Bedah, kalau aku ditempat kau tak tahu macam mana, kira kau setiap hari senaman kan? Sihat tubuh badan, ehe. Aku tabik spring bertingkat kat kau!

Dan kemudian bersangka baiklah kepada pasangan suami isteri tu. Suami manalah yang mahu isterinya bersusah payah jalan kaki walaupun hanya 10 minit? Mesti mereka sudah sepakat dan berbincang sebaik mungkin. Ya, berangka baiklah, ayuh! Jika anda tidak mampu jadi penyelesai masalah, jangan pula menjadi penambah masalah. Jika tidak mampu membantu, sekurang-kurangnya berilah empati dan kata-kata semangat. Inshaallah, orang sayang Allah lagi sayang :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

There is always another season

There was a man who had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn not to judge things too quickly. So he sent them each on a quest, in turn, to go and look at a pear tree that was a great distance away.

The first son went in the winter,
the second in the spring,
the third in summer,
and the youngest son in the fall.

When they had all gone and come back, he called them together to describe what they had seen.

The first son said that the tree was ugly, bent, and twisted.

The second son said no it was covered with green buds and full of promise.

The third son disagreed; he said it was laden with blossoms that smelled so sweet and looked so beautiful, it was the most graceful thing he had ever seen.

The last son disagreed with all of them; he said it was ripe and drooping with fruit, full of life and fulfillment.

The man then explained to his sons that they were all right, because they had each seen but only one season in the tree’s life. He told them that you cannot judge a tree, or a person, by only one season, and that the essence of who they are and the pleasure, joy, and love that come from that life can only be measured at the end, when all the seasons are up.

 If you give up when it’s winter, you will miss the promise of your spring, the beauty of your summer, fulfillment of your fall.


1.Don’t let the pain of one season destroy the joy of all the rest.
2.Don’t judge life by one difficult season.
2.Persevere through the difficult patches and better times are sure to come some time or later

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Green ramadhan


Hope everyone is doing good! I should have post this at the very beginning of ramadhan, hope it is not too let, we have another 10 days to go after all, isn't it? :$ Ok, here's some tips to always go green even in Ramadhan: 

1. Adopt a Sunnah Wudu: It is reported that the Prophet Muhammad would perform the entire wudu from a bowl two-hands full together (approximately 0.5 liter) and he warned against excess in performing ablution (israf). 
 2. Quick Showers: Reduce shower time by 20%. On average, a ten minute shower results in twenty-five gallons of water down the drain.

 3. Eliminate Plastic Water Bottles: Plastic should be minimized because of harm related to global warming and health.
4. Eliminate Styrofoam. Styrofoam is unrecyclable and non-biodegradable, which means that it will persist as garbage even a thousand year after its use.
 5. Adopt a Reusable water bottle/mug whether you are at the mosque, work, or home. Avoid bringing plastic disposable bottles to the mosque during iftars and for tarawih.
 6. Reduce Disposable Party items: Remove or reduce all of disposable items from your parties and save money while doing so.

7. Reduce food waste and over consumption by eating moderately, keeping in mind the hadith (fill ⅓ of stomach with food, ⅓ water, and ⅓ empty). Take only what you can comfortably finish.
8. Sunnah Iftars: Eat More Fruits & Vegetables, Less Meat: The Prophet’s diet consisted mostly of grains, dates, water, milk, honey, vegetables and fruits. Meat was not daily part of his diet.

 9. Make an effort to carpool.

 10. Plant or expand a garden this year (less grass, more trees and plants) at home or the mosque and remember that planting a tree is a charity.

Ok, why do we care to go green? :brow Why should we? :brow  Well, because we want to make a different, we love our environment, our earth which through the grace of Allah, provides us with the sustenance with which we nourish our body and community spirit during a fasting month. Interacting mindfully with our environment is simply a manifestation of faith and because it is our amanah to take good care of our earth because we are the caliph, isn't it? I do it for God sake and for our future generation. So, always go green and grin :) :) :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Facebook news agent


Alhamdulillah am still breathing beside my wonderful man and my little womb explorer, he's doing very well and getting active especially in morning and at night :$ :$ :$ . Oh well, have you notice that spreading message via facebook is now very common and fast way? Well there's a pros and cons on this as usual, we are the one to choose whether it is for good or for bad. If you noticed, people are tend to share something that interesting to them, like a news, or pictures or quotes. Whatever it is we have to think for a second right before we click the share link. Yes, think whether it will brings bad or good, whether it will gives benefit or not or if it is just for fun, whether it will hurts anyone and what bother me the most is whether it will ruins someone dignity or not. 

I am so speechless when I saw this piece of newspaper with very big and obvious title "Ustadzah commits adultery with widow while her husband in Mekkah" on facebook. Well, I am not speechless of the news because it happens everywhere and it doesn't mean I agree with that action,  but I am speechless when I saw people are very keen to spread the news throughout the facebook and some even give harsh comment on this woman because she is ustadzah you see? It is such a humiliate news to reveal and spread actually, don't you think about that woman at all?  I am pretty sure that the case is still under investigation, and the woman did mentioned that she was framed. 

What if she actually innocent? Who's gonna fix the broken dignity? I am disappointed on the newspaper, because they take others dignity so lightly just to sell their newspaper out and now we become their agent to spread such news. The way they write the news is very shameless and cheap and as it is confirmed that this woman who is actually so-called religious practicer had committed adultery while her husband is in Mekkah. Then the facebook spreader of course will put this line along with their post "This is a true story and a reminder for all of us." WHAT??!! :o :o :o How would you know if it is a real story? :f

Don't we listen to this Quranic verses and hadith on covering your muslim brother and sister's disgrace?

﴿يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لا يَسْخَرْ قَومٌ مِنْ قَوْمٍ عَسَى أَنْ يَكُونُوا خَيْرًا مِنْهُمْ، وَلا نِسَاءٌ مِنْ نِسَاءٍ عَسَى أَنْ يَكُنَّ خَيْرًا مِنْهُنَّ، وَلا تَلْمِزُوا أَنفُسَكُمْ، وَلا تَنَابَزُوا بِالأَلْقَابِ، بِئْسَ الاِسْمُ الْفُسُوقُ بَعْدَ الإِيمَانِ، وَمَنْ لَمْ يَتُبْ فَأُوْلَئِكَ هُمْ الظَّالِمُونَ. يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اجْتَنِبُوا كَثِيرًا مِنْ الظَّنِّ، إِنَّ بَعْضَ الظَّنِّ إِثْمٌ، وَلا تَجَسَّسُوا﴾ 
“O you who believe! Let not (one) people laugh at (another) people perchance they may be better than they, nor let women (laugh) at (other) women, perchance they may be better than they; and do not find fault with your own people nor call one another by nicknames; evil is a bad name after faith, and whoever does not turn, these it is that are the unjust. O you who believe! Avoid most of suspicion, for surely suspicion in some cases is a sin, and do not spy… (49:11-12)”

And the hadith: 

"He who relieves a hardship of this Dunya (this earthly life) for a believer, Allah will relieve a hardship of the Day of Resurrection for him; he who makes it easy for an indebted person, Allah will make it easy for him in the Dunya and the Hereafter; he who covers a Muslim (his mistakes and shortcomings), Allah will cover him in the Dunya and the Hereafter; Allah will be in the slave 's need, as long as the slave is in his (believing) brother's need…" [Saheeh Muslim]
Hope you got my point, it is about how we should be more selective on spreading message especially in social network like facebook, because it can spreads very fast like an unstoppable virus and once you have posted it, someone else will share it the never ending circle will be formed then people are talking about it on real world as well. Can you see that? Open your mind, yes widely. Use your brilliant brain to think for a moment right before you click on share. May Allah preserve us from being a bad spreader without we notice it. And have a blessed Ramadhan ahead! Just eleven days left!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Hey, Ramadhan is still here! :e


Oh am looking for my precious spectacle, where on earth I've put it? My world has become blurry and so gloomy without it, I need my spec!! Hope I will not do so much typo here, sigh. Ok, everyone is posting about Lee Chong Wei on facebook, even he did not won but  still we proud of him, seriously his skill is a world class and also there're some people that seemed disappointed because there won't be a holiday or free ice cream (As it was promised if Chong Wei won, and bring us the gold medal). Well, who cares? I still having a holiday for Nuzul Quran, yay! Alhamdulillah. Then I realized how fast time flies, coz it's already 17 days of Ramadhan! and am still didn't improved anything yet, I can't believe it! I guess I have to make a move, I can't waste my Ramadhan. There's too many opportunity specifically given only in this month! I need to be more productive, more energetic and more, more, more...........

Oh awesome, 16 days done :e ! But do we really use it to the fullest? Big question for myself :(
Ok, what about nuzul Quran? What is it? Nuzul Quran is the day marking the first time Quranic Verses are  revealed to our prophet Muhammad SAW before they are revealed bit by bit for around 23 years.

Islamic scholars had listed several “psychological” wisdoms why Qur’an is revealed in a gradual fashion:

1. To psychologically strengthen the the heart of Prophet Muhammad SAW:  Imagine if your parents, family members, or friends, only give you comfort words once in your childhood time and then leave it to you to face the difficulties of life.  If you read the biography of Prophet Muhammad SAW, you cannot imagine the difficulty that he went through in his da`wah.  Therefore, the heart of Prophet Muhammad SAW and the Sahabahs/Companions RAA, being human being, are psychologically strengthen with the revelation of al-Qur’an.  We can still get the same psychologically wisdom if we read Qur’an regulary and ponder on its message regularly too rather than once a year during Ramadan without even pondering on its messages.

2. To psychologically defend Prophet Muhammad SAW when challenged by the Musyrikun/Polytheists:  Imagine if you are allowed to explain your point of view once but your opponents are allowed to argue with you for the rest of your life and you don’t have anybody or any reference to refer to in order to counter argue.  If you read the biography of Prophet Muhammad SAW, you cannot imagine the big challenges (including mockery) that he had to face in his da`wah.  Therefore, Prophet Muhammad SAW and the Sahabahs/Companions RAA were able to psychologically defend themselves whenever their opponents raise an issue.  We can still get the same psychological wisdom too if we always refer to the Qur’an and its meaning whenever other people argue againts Islam rather than neglecting the Qur’an and giving Westernised- or secular-oriented answers.

3. To psychologically facilitate memorisation and understanding of the verses.  Imagine if all your primary and secondary schools’ syllabi are given during Year 1 and you’re asked to memorise and understand the content in 17 years.  If you read the biography of Prophet Muhammad SAW, you cannot imagine the length of time taken by the Sahabah/Companions just to understand a few Qur’anic verses (imagine 6,000+ verses!).  Therefore, this gradual revelation helps Prophet Muhammad SAW and the Sahabahs/Companions not only in memorising the Qur’an but also in understanding it.  We can still get the same psychological wisdom if we memorise a few verses a day and refer to its meaning in book of translation and tafsir/exegesis rather than reading only surah Yasin every week mechanically without even memorising or understanding it.

4. To give psychological relevance to the events that happened at a specific period of time.  Imagine if you were taught about a principles that has no relevant until the real-life events really take place, or the real-life example do not exist in front of you.  If you read the biography of Prophet Muhammad SAW, you cannot imagine the multiple events (happy, sad, frightening, surprising, disgusting, maddening) that happened, that need Godly touch from Allah.  Therefore, the gradual revelation helps Prophet Muhammad SAW and the Sahabahs/Companions RAA to see things in perspective.  We can still get the same psychological wisdom if understanding the Qur’an at its conceptual level by linking the events happened during Prophet’s time with event during our time, rather than perceiving the Qur’an as a book relevant only during the 6th-7th century, or good for ritual activities only.

5. To give psychological confidence that Qur’an is indeed revealed from Allah, not the words of Prophet Muhammad SAW.  Imagine if you’re asked to write a very lengthy essay (think dissertation/thesis) of a given title without stop.  We will find our writings full of unnecessary, unclear, and irrelevant points, not to mention interrupted flows and jumpy arguments.  But, if we divide the tasks of writing into several steps and were given enough time (with breaks) to write it, our writings would have been better.  Of course this is not to say the Qur’an will be incoherent if it revealed all at once.  But the “readers” may not be able to see its hidden beauty if it is revealed all at once.  When it is revealed in a gradual fashion, the Sahabah/Companions RAA will (and so will us) see the connections between various points mentioned in the Qur’an with the previous events that had happened before the revelation of specific verses.  Not only that, the flow of tarbiyah/education to the Sahabah/Companions RAA will be very smooth starting from education on `aqidah/creed, `ibadah/rituals, akhlaq/morality, and finally other worldly matters.  Therefore, people can see the beauty of the Qur’an and believe that it is the word of God.  We can still get the same psychological wisdom by linking all our life events with the general and specific messages of the Qur’an and ensuring that our tarbiyah/education of ourselves and others follow the Qur’anic pattern of `aqidah, `ibadah, akhlaq, and other worldly matters.

The amazing thing is the Qur’an, in its final form, is not arranged chronologically anymore, but it still looks coherent and systematic.  Now, I don’t a think a human being, even if he is a prophet is able to do that considering that human beings are easily influenced psychologically by their environment/surroundings.  Imagine Prophet Muhamamad SAW having to undergo various experiences but the uslub/style of the Qur’an (as a whole) remain relatively the same.

Isn’t al-Qur’an and amazing book/scripture? Let’s read it, undersand it, practice its messages, and promote its messages, inshaallah :e

Oh have a bless Ramadhan ahead :e :e :e

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